Pito Gol garam is one of that game which is commonly played between the kids of Pakistan and India. Let me define pitu first ! (Pito is a small circular piece of stone or marble) Pito gol garam is that interesting game which entertains the people very much and anyone who plays this game can be very beneficial from health point of view as well. This game is played between 2 teams and to play this game the essential requirement is the fluffy rubber ball and 6 Pito or 7 Pito as well. It depends on the length of the game which you are willing to play in terms of time. The more Pito you keep on increasing the lengthier the game would be.
Now the question is
How this game can be played ?
GHS Desi boys roll in
Gulshan e Hadeed
That’s why GHSocial has decided to
promote the young generation of Gulshan e Hadeed and we
have started a competition named as GHS Desi boys. The young and talented boys
of Gulshan e Hadeed can share their talent and activities performed by them. By
doing so they can show and share their talent not only with GHSocial but the
entire world because GHSocial provides a platform to promote an individual
talent and to get some exposure and get some appreciation which can help them
to boom up their self in the aspect which they are working or performing.
Pitu gol garam match
in Gulshan e Hadeed
Team A was headed by captan Muqeet Ahmed chatha while Asif,
Waqas, Shehryar, Junaid and Shahrukh were the players.
Pitu Gol Garam (Loly Pop A) Team Gulshan e Hadeed, Karachi
Team B was headed by captan Syed Muhammad Adeel while Ameer,
Majid, Asad, Mazhar and Haider were the players.
Pitu Gol Garam (Loly Pop B) Team Gulshan e Hadeed, Karachi
The match was played with very excitement and in an energetic
way. The match got a dramatic situation as well and the twists also occurred in
the middle of the game, for some time it was very much difficult to analyze the
situation that who will win but Team B won this historical match after an up
down situation with the lead of 1 point.
Loly Pop Guyz Gulshan e Hadeed, Karachi
Match Exclusive Video
Highlights of Pitu Gol Garam Match in Gulshan e Hadeed Part 1
Highlighs of Pitu Gol Garam Match in Gulshan e Hadeed Part 2
Thanks for reading and watching you can discuss this post at given below link we are waiting to hear your great feedback
Special thanks to Loly Pop Guyz for their participation !
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