Video Games
Gaming both video and computer has become more than a fad, it is a part of life. Playing
games is a common activity & interest of children to build there mind. Playing games not only gives to
get entertain but it also give opportunity to learn new
thing by losing and wining the Game. Video games and computer games are known to improve hand-eye co-ordination and help players gain many skills. However, all is not negative about gaming, studies by leading researchers have shown that video and computer games have many benefits.
Playing Video Games in an ordinary shops
We already know that the environment of an ordinary shops are not good. It depends on shop keeper to keep there shops clean as it is a place for children playing area which should be properly maintained neat and clean. but its totally against it, we can see spilt of tobacco on the walls all around the shop. Smoking smell of nicotine, it is not good for health. Different kind of peoples can be found in Video Games shop including educated & ill-literate. Educated peoples knows that how to care. but ill-literate peoples doesn't care for, there own, environment, and others because they don't know how to tackle. This thing not only effect on elders but also children learn from these things like Abusing, Chewing Tobacco, Fighting etc.

Playing Video Games in an ordinary shops
We already know that the environment of an ordinary shops are not good. It depends on shop keeper to keep there shops clean as it is a place for children playing area which should be properly maintained neat and clean. but its totally against it, we can see spilt of tobacco on the walls all around the shop. Smoking smell of nicotine, it is not good for health. Different kind of peoples can be found in Video Games shop including educated & ill-literate. Educated peoples knows that how to care. but ill-literate peoples doesn't care for, there own, environment, and others because they don't know how to tackle. This thing not only effect on elders but also children learn from these things like Abusing, Chewing Tobacco, Fighting etc.
of Video Gaming in ordinary Shops
know that environment effects on human specially on children to build personality. As above mentioned that the environment of ordinary shops are not
good. Children learn from video games shops how to abuse which is the normal thing when others are playing. How to use any kind of nicotine, sexual abuse by ill-literate and by other common things. Some games create negative effects on children, they become violence, rebellious to there parents if not permitted to play video game.
How to make good environment
are the asset of our nation; they are not only responsibility of their parents but
also we should need to save our nation assets including video games shopkeepers,
neighbors, teachers and elders. Parents should need to provide a frank environment
in home that children feel not to go outside like that kind of places, only
allow children to go outside for limited time. Try to provide games &
activities at home like computer. Keep strictly care gathering of children.
This is the duty of shopkeeper to care environment & which kind of
activities happening in their shops, avoid to allow children if they came in school
uniform at school timing. Children also should need to play those kind of games
which mentally & physically give positive effects like Cricket, football,
hockey etc.
Our Survey Report
Our reporters also take a survey of Gulshan e Hadeed to take feedback of Shopkeepers and common person's if it is good or bad view below:
Thanks for reading & watching.
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